Friday, April 23, 2010

It was that time again...

Ryan's hair was down in his eyes again. He has been fussing and pulling on it with increasing frequency the last few days so I finally decided it was time. The coupon that arrived in the mialbox was just another omen. I am always sad to see his long blond locks disappear. But seeing where you are going when you run non-stop is probably a good idea. So here is his before picture...

Here is his after. He always looks so much younger to me after a haircut. And I miss the long curls from the very first snip.

Connor's hair wasn't quite as long as Ryan's. But the longer Connor's hair gets the more unruly it gets. It starts to wave and curl and in general have a mind of its own that is pretty hard to tame so Connor got a turn in the chair, too. Here's Connor's before:

And his cut in progress as he sat in the chair watching a movie.

And his after. We decided to try something new for him. The stylist recommended a spiked look.

Connor however decided he wasn't crazy about it and opted for something a little more classic.

As for Connor - his haircuts always leave me wondering where my little boy went.

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